Do you suffer from a fear of words?

Do you see your story in pictures or words?

Then you might be a visual writer.

After reading Nancy Friedman‘s post, I’m convinced. I’m a visual writer. Because I see glimpses of a story and then proceed to put the things I see into words. Not always an easy feat.

Writing pictures into words can be a problem if the writer has a fear of words.

I’m bad to write, in short, clipped sentences often failing to describe in detail what I want the reader to understand. Not good. So, I’m going to work on writing a little more prosaic.

If you ever find yourself at a loss for words? 

You might be a visual writer.

If you ever have trouble with “what comes next” in a scene?

You might be a visual writer.

If you have trouble writing specific descriptions and hope the reader “gets it?”

You might be a visual writer. (this one is so me.)

So how do I use my visual ability to convey the right words at the right time and in the right order? How do I make sure my readers can see what I see?

Practice, practice, and practice. Practice with words.

Remember readers are not psychic. They cannot see a scene unless I paint a “verbal” picture.

PS: A little trivia. Logophobia, is a fear of words, talking. Also, who knew there is a Visual Thesaurus? Cool!

Go read Nancy’s article and tell me…

Are you a visual writer or a verbal writer?

Are the right words always at your beck and call?

Or do you struggle to describe the scenes dancing in your head?

Fear of Words (and Other Writer’s Blocks) by Nancy Friedman

Talk to me – I love reading your comments.

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Please stop by and say “hey!”  I’ll leave a light on. 


17 thoughts on “Do you suffer from a fear of words?

  1. I do not have a fear of words but I do struggle to transcribe images and feelings into words. Finding the right words in fiction to get the right effect is difficult and time-consuming.

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