Is it important for a writer to blog?

Personally, I think it’s up to the individual writer.

So why do it? Why blog? 

Believe me, there are weeks when I consider stopping. And I guess when I no longer enjoy meeting so many talented and informed writers, I’ll stop. But, I’ve learned a lot from each and every one of Y’all.

I also, blog about my learning process. Not an expert, I’m learning as I go and sharing helps me too. Sometimes I think it not only takes a village to raise a child but to develop a good writer. At least in my case. So, for now, I’ll carry on.

Head over to A Writer’s Path and read this article about why blogging important.

Why Blogging is Important for Writers by Shelley Widhalm

Now tell me,

Why do you blog?

Does blogging help or hurt your writing?

I love reading your comments.

Please head over and “like” my Facebook page at Facebook at jeanswriting . Or to connect with me, click the “write me” tab. Don’t forget you can follow me on StumbleUpon,  on Twitter @jeancogdell , and

Please stop by and say “hey!”  I’ll leave a light on. 

12 thoughts on “Is it important for a writer to blog?

  1. I do think it’s important for writers to blog. I’m new to blogging but feel blogging will give me a presence and possibly bring new potential readers of my work. I also plan on blogging not only about my work but about me as a person, my interests, a day in my life. I believe readers enjoy connecting with writers on many different levels.

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