How to understand keyword and blog ranking

Well, it’s the end of another year.

And as your reading to ring in 2018 you may want to see how your blog did during 2017.

First, do what I did, Check those  WordPress Stats. 

In 2016, I published 222 posts, with 16,046 views. In 2017, I published 172 posts with 14,636 views. Not too bad, considering, in 2017 I cut back my blogging to 3 times a week.

Understanding blog ranking, blog stats, and keywords can help improve your blog views.

There are lots of ways to check your blog stats and ranking. Websites that show which keywords work best for your posts.

Some of these tools I understand and some I are a bit over my head. But most of them are a big time suck. So bloggers, beware. Look, if your curious but don’t get mired in the muck. Or like me, you’ll end up with a big headache.

There are a few free services and free trials to help you figure out all this stuff. 

For instance…

GOOGLE TRENDS – Find out which keywords or subject are trending.

SERPSTATS – Website analysis and Domain ranking. Plus which top page/posts on your blog had the highest visibility.

KEYWORD RANK CHECKER on SERPS website- Discover the average monthly searches for a keyword and the cost-per-click (CPC).

KEYWORD RESEARCH – Helps discover which keywords are working on your blog.

WORD TRACKER – Find out which words are searched the most.

Read more to help you understand these websites —

Understanding Keyword Value

How to Improve Your Website’s Google Ranking

Best Keyword Research Tools For SEO: 2018 Edition

Bloggers, tell me…

Did you check your stats for 2017?

Did you fare better or worse?

Do you understand Keywords and Stats? (I’ll be honest, I don’t.)




9 thoughts on “How to understand keyword and blog ranking

  1. I check my stats a couple of times a week…but only to see which posts worked the best. I know SEO is a huge deal for some folks, especially those monetizing their blogs, but I have no desire to get lost in the time-suck of analyzing data when topics, trends… and blog visitors are constantly changing.

    Good post! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I know all that stuff is important for the brand a person has, yet I just can’t get into caring much about it. Blogging is more of a passion for me. Sure, I want people to read and comment but I do the blogging thing mostly to keep my mood up.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I didn’t check my stats, I wasn’t aware of it, which means I failed to do it last year. Therefore I cannot make a comparison. Thanks for making me wiser, Jean. I appreciate it much.

    Liked by 1 person

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