What is the best way to interact with bloggers?

Do you engage with drive-by readers?

If not, maybe you should.


Because others, like myself, may be drive-by readers. drive 01

That means reading on the run. Waiting in line, waiting for to pick up grandkids, or in the dentist/doctors office. And almost always I read on my phone.


The absence of a comment doesn’t mean I didn’t enjoy the blog post. Simply means I wasn’t in a place to write one. Typing on my cell phone is not easy.


And even though we’re all very busy with the holidays, remember to read and click the “like” button. Means a lot to bloggers everywhere.

A post by OPINIONATED MAN encouraged me to do more.

So I’m going to start with an apology.

sorry badI’m sorry if I’ve disappointed any of my readers. I’ve read many posts but sometimes failed to click the “like” button. Just because I’m on the run doesn’t mean I can’t click “like.”

What tips did I garner from his post?

  • The “like” button is an opportunity to connect.
    • Don’t miss it.
  • Drive by readers are important.
    • We all get too busy to talk sometimes.
  • When a reader clicks the “like” button, they read my post!
    • Let them know I appreciate the effort.
  • A reader is an opportunity to expand my network.
    • Don’t squander it.
  • Comments mean the blogger is an active reader.
    • Answer them.

Check out the post below and let me know what you think.

Have you been guilty of reading and not clicking the like button?

Have you missed an opportunity to connect with new readers?

If you have the time, leave me a comment. But please click on the “like” button. Thanks!!

Reactive networking / Blogging BY OPINIONATED MAN



44 thoughts on “What is the best way to interact with bloggers?

  1. Yeah right. But every one does like for following. Sometimes new person comes and likes our blog in one min and comment on one blog, very informative ☺️😧😧

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  2. Sometimes I don’t always have time to come up with a thoughtful comment, so I leave it by just liking the post. It’s my way of saying I like your post and I read it! I, too, am guilty of not viewing all my silent readers. I’m good at answering comments though.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I use the “like” button as my way of letting the blogger know I was at the post and did like what she or he wrote. I’d prefer a comment on my posts, of course, but sometimes the reader has nothing to add or say. It happens to me so it, obviously, can happen to anyone else. I don’t check my stats often and maybe I should because I usually feel that my following is slim when it may be okay after all.

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  4. I sometimes try to thank my likes but a lot come up with a gravatar with no contact details or a site not found which is frustrating… But a good point 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

          1. Jean, I’m not sure I said it well, but I really liked your article on interacting with other bloggers. I do it all wrong and I’m ok with it. I do drive-by likes, I write comments sometimes and sometimes I don’t read, but I’m trying- Chad

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  5. I click the like button if I like the post. I used to click the like button even if I didn’t agree or didn’t think the post was good. I don’t comment much because I’m on the go a lot or I’m fearful because people take comments, and text the wrong way, sometimes!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I think most of our readers (or at least mine) are drive by readers. They may pop over from twitter or facebook and they’re stopping by my blog to see what someone else shared. Or they’re scrolling through the WP reader and stop by to see what’s up. I haven’t found rhyme or reason to the posts that do well and ones that don’t. Likes are nice, though. Comments are better 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Think it’s safe to say we’re all guilty of this. I actually do it so that I may go the my likes menu later on and actually give another read through and comment. I think drive by reading is fine so long as you return to commit something. This can be great for catching up on blogs at once when you have free time, makes for a great session of reading.

    I’m glad I saw this, now I can read further into your blog.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. I do click LIKE when I’m in a rush, and I try to comment on as many blog posts as I can manage. Keeping a connection with other writers (whether they comment on my blog or not) is important to me even while blogging myself and writing my memoir.

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