How can you make your blog more user friendly?

Simple things can improve your blog.

Make your blog easy for readers.

for a more user-friendly blog…

Read – From Myths of the Mirror comes… 7 Steps to a User-Friendly Blog

You might find a couple that will help readers find and click through your blog.

Numbers 3 & 6 helped me.

I added the translate button. It had never occurred to me that not every browser gives you the option to translate a page. Good to know. Also, I hadn’t thought about limiting the number of posts to show up on the first page. My blog now loads faster since I limited that to 3 posts. 

Which one of the 7 do you need to change on your blog?

Leave me a comment and let’s talk.

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Please stop by and say “hey!”  I’ll leave a light on. 

10 thoughts on “How can you make your blog more user friendly?

  1. I thought I had my pages set at 10 posts but decided to take a peek to be sure. To my astonishment, I had it set at 12. I put a translator at the top of my sidebar several months ago when I started getting notification of new readers from countries where the primary language is not English. I can only assume they know English if they signed up as a follower but how long would they stay at my blog if I did not make it a little easier for them to read?

    Another thing I do to make my blog more user-friendly is I always use a San font, never a Serif one. Those of us who have astigmatism end up with tired eyes faster when there are hooks and loops in the font.

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  2. I’ve tried to make my blog as easy as possible by making things visible and cross-linked. It’s all about user friendliness and ease. A Search window is a must! I have struggled to find material on some blogs with no search function.

    The translator is a good idea. I’m having difficulty finding the function for a dot com WP site, though. I know it’s available for dot org.

    Liked by 1 person

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