Do you love creepy, unusual, and odd subjects?

The creepier the better to write my dear.

Am I right?

Well, I’ve stumbled on a couple of terrific ways to expand your imagination. Hang on to your hats.

I love writing prompts. Give me an odd word combos, a challenging word count or subject matter and my mind goes nuts. So I really went bonkers when I stumbled across not one but two totally unique ideas!

Have you ever thought about using mug shots for character development? Not me! Not until now.

Go to and pick a state, any state, you won’t be disappointed. The visual is worth a thousand words.

The mug shots are tagged and categorized for you. Need to describe someone who has had the shit beat out of them? Click on “beat up.”

Or what about locking up your character? Hmm, keep reading.

These great ideas are from Paul M.M. Cooper.

He suggests you put your character in a locked room without windows or furniture. I imagined the room like a padded cell.

What happens? Is the person confused, scared, claustrophobic, or are they calm as they wait for someone to find them?

Want to know more?

Click on these links and read how to write great characters!

Writing mug shots – how a reprehensible website could make you a better writer by Paul M.M. Cooper

The creepiest (and best) creative writing exercise for character-development by Paul M.M. Cooper

Leave me a comment. I love talking to Y’all.

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Please stop by and say “hey!”  I’ll leave a light on. 

20 thoughts on “Do you love creepy, unusual, and odd subjects?

  1. Great ideas! Does make your head spin. I have often sat with a note pad at busy locations observing the many different people that pass by. Taking notes of their clothing, hair styles, outfits, how they walk ( with a limp, fast paced, trotting, dragging their feet etc). Their accents and what they are carrying. I choose locations like malls, airports, train stations and the beach. When I return home I have all kinds of ideas for my characters.

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