How to write the perfect heart-pounding scene

Love, love, love the tips I learned today.

Although my scenes are far from perfect, I moved a little closer to good today.

Reading a post from by DiAnn Mills got my writing juices flowing.

DiAnn titles her post as 4 Tips For Writing Fresh, Engaging, Unforgettable Scenes | BookDaily #AuthorTips.

But it is much more than just 4 little tidbits on writing. 

Why is my heart pumping with excitement?

Because I’d reached an impasse in my WIP and she gave me the answer!

  • Every decision my characters make have consequences.
  • Consequences propel the story forward, or should.
  • Not all consequences are bad. Ah ha!

My character must choose between two rights!

We all know to have our character choose between right or wrong. But what about choosing between two rights? What will be the consequence of either choice?

See how her tips get you thinking?

I do hope you’ll go over and read her post. Let me know if you have an ah-ha moment.

Now your turn.

Have you learned anything new today? Please share with the group.

Do you have a problem scene? Did you find a solution?

Talk to me – I love reading your comments.

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15 thoughts on “How to write the perfect heart-pounding scene

  1. This is helpful, thank you for sharing. I have to admit I’m ignoring the ‘no back story or character flaws for the first 50 pages’ for now though, I’ll worry about that once the first draft is done!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I learned today (as I learn every day when I put my seat to the chair and ignore everything else except writing)…that my characters show me the way to go, if I just allow them to speak through my pen/keyboard. 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Me too! I’ve been ‘in the flow’ for the last couple of hours, and found that MC was basically writing through me rather than me actively thinking about the words. I think that’s how it should be during the first draft at least.

      Liked by 2 people

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