How to merge your Professional page and Newsfeed

Okay, I’ve confessed before to making tons of mistakes in writing, publishing and social media. But, I keep on moving forward.

Although I sometimes feel as if I’m navigating an Internet minefield blindfolded.

  • Set up too many email accounts.
    • Yahoo, MSN, Gmail and I even found a couple on each site. Sigh…
  • Opened 2 Facebook accounts.
    • Thought I needed a personal one and one for writing platform. Not…
    • Plus a professional page attached to one of them. Ugh…
  • Twitter
    • Set up not one, not two but three tweet managing programs.
      • At last, I settled on Tweetdeck, but I’m sure the other accounts are still floating around in the great big worldwide web.

So why am I telling you all of this?

Because I’ve discovered as with most things less is more. And I’m starting with Facebook. So here goes.

  • First, I’m deleting my “personal” Facebook account.
  • Second, I’ll post on my Writer’s page and let it link to my “News Feed” home page.
    • How? I’ve discovered a little tip. (Now don’t rain on my parade if you discovered this years ago.)

See here is the thing, if you write something on your Home/News Feed it doesn’t necessarily show up on your “Writers or Professional” page.

But here’s the good news. You can change your settings on Facebook so that whatever you write on your “professional” page and then the post will show up on both. That way no matter which one your readers click on they can see your comments.

Why would you want to do this?

Because by posting on your “Page” first instead of on Newsfeed/Home, you can schedule comments!

Yay, another tool to make life a bit calmer and easier.

As you can see, both look different.

Jean’s Writing “Page.”
My “Timeline, Newsfeed, home” Page

Want to give it a try?

Click on the link for step by step instructions.

How to adjust NewsFeed Preferences.

Okay, now you can tell me. Is this old news?

Have you already synced your Facebook page with NewsFeed?

If not, are you ready to give it a try?

Leave a comment or click the “write me” tab or look for me on Twitter @jeancogdell, Facebook at jeanswriting and, stop by and say hey! The lights are on, and I’m waiting.

Please remember to share this post with your Twitter  peeps and Facebook fans.


18 thoughts on “How to merge your Professional page and Newsfeed

  1. I like having 2 pages on FB for same reasons as Pam, all my friends aren’t interested in my posts pertaining to writing. And ironically, many of my author page have followed and friended me on my personal page. Also, I understand you cannot have a business/author page without having a personal account so I’d be interested to know how you plan on shutting down the personal one?

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I did pretty much the same thing as you with my social media. Most of it’s due to not taking the time to go to the help pages at those sites. How did my priorities get so screwed up?

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I was very interested to read this. thanks for all the good info. Question- not sure I understand the link you provided to Facebook- is this telling me how to link to my newsfeed- I am not seeing that info. Thanks for your help.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I’m waaaay behind you in understanding all this. But for now, I like that my Personal FB page is separate from my Professional Writing page. I have many personal friends on FB who really aren’t interested in my writing, and I don’t want to ‘bore’ them with my writing quotes or blog posts. However, I give them all the opportunity to “Like” my writing FB page, so that if they ARE interested, then they get my posts from there. Does that make sense? Still pondering all this. Thanks for sharing what you’ve done.

    Liked by 3 people

      1. That’s why I had two different Facebook accounts. One personal for family and friends and one a professional account with an additional “Page.” But it’s becoming confusing and time consuming.

        Liked by 1 person

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