Are you ever unsure what to say?

Or how?

Me too!

That’s the case in today’s review. I never want to say anything bad because one opinion can be vastly different from another’s. What I might love you might hate. So I never want to dissuade anyone from reading a book, yet on the other hand, I want to give an honest review.

Over my long holiday, I’d planned on taking the time to read for pleasure. I love the way Diana Gabaldon writes. She is one of my favorites. Her prose is beautiful. But as life would have it, I’d only read books one through three of the Outlander series. So I decided this holiday would be a great time to pick up number four Drums Of Autumn. I’d also loaded up my kindle with a few other books, after all, I had three weeks to read.

Drums of Autumn is 3600 meandering pages about Jamie and Claire as they struggle to settle in America. While Ms. Gabaldon beautiful prose didn’t disappoint I struggled with the length. I hated when her first three books ended, but wanted this book to speed up a bit and found myself skimming. Don’t get me wrong, Ms. Gabaldon is an amazing writer and storyteller and this book is very good, just in my opinion, not as good as the first three.

Will I read number five, The Fiery Cross? Of course! And not just because of my Scottish roots, (the M in my name stands for McIntyre.) But because I love reading great writing and I want to see how the story of Jamie and Claire ends. Will they stay in America or return to Scotland?

I did manage to read one other book by another author, after finishing this massive tomb, that review next week.

The bottom line.

The writing is amazing. The story too long-winded, kinda like your Aunt Mavis after too many glasses of wine. Characters are as vivid and alive as ever, I can’t wait to see what happens to them next. And I’m still hooked on the series, so I’ll keep reading.

PS:  I’m also addicted to the TV series Outlander. Be still my heart! Jamie is hot!

Have you read any of the Outlander series?

What did you think? Which is your favorite?

What to read samples? Click on the images below!

I’d love to hear from you! Click the “write me” tab or contact me on Twitter @jeancogdell,Facebook at jean.cogdell and, stop by and say hey! The lights are on, and I’m waiting.

Please remember to share this post with your Twitter  peeps and Facebook fans.

Drums Of Autumn (Outlander, Book 4) by [Gabaldon, Diana]
Click to read a sample
The Fiery Cross (Outlander, Book 5) by [Gabaldon, Diana]
Click to read a sample

9 thoughts on “Are you ever unsure what to say?

  1. I loved the Outlander books and the TV series just as much. But when an author has written many books, and you’ve read them all, you compare that author to a high standard, right? It’s fair to say when one is less than you expected. Plus, your review is generous about what works, so why shouldn’t you be equally conscientious about what doesn’t?

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I agree, I am somewhat the same as I review books for netgalley and I hate leaving negative reviews or giving it less than 5 4 stars; however I had to face, it’s taken me time but I do it as I don’t wish to disappoint other readers who may pick up the book based upon you’re review and then leave disappointed.

    Hope that helps you too. 👍

    Liked by 1 person

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