Do you know how to write a sensual scene?

Well, I didn’t but I’m learning!

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First, let me say I’m a big fan. So I was thrilled to find Diana Gabaldon had written a book on writing. 

“I Give You My Body . . .”: How I Write Sex Scenes (Kindle Single) by Diana Gabaldon

This book did not disappoint! And believe me, I’ve read a few “how-to” books that did.

Writing love or sex scenes can make the best of us a bit squeamish at times. Ever feel as though the scene is overdone or too juvenile?  Take heart, in her book Ms. Gabaldon shows not tells us how to write with humor and candid language that doesn’t turn our script into a purple nightmare of adjectives and adverbs.

Maybe you’re not a fan of historical fiction, or maybe you’ve no plans to add a sex scene to your novel, but every writer can learn something from her secrets for showing character emotion.

For the soul of a story is the characters. Their emotions are what connects the reader. Ms. Gabaldon breaks down scene by scene her secrets for drawing the reader in and letting them feel what the character is feeling.

A must-have for your writing library. 

"I Give You My Body . . .": How I Write Sex Scenes (Kindle Single) by [Gabaldon, Diana]
Click image to read a sample

Do you have a favorite “how-to” writing book?

I’d love to hear about it! Do tell!

Click the “write me” tab or contact me on Twitter @jeancogdell,Facebook at jean.cogdell and, stop by and say hey! The lights are on, and I’m waiting.

Please remember to share this post with your Twitter  peeps and Facebook fans.

Outlander: A Novel (Outlander, Book 1) by [Gabaldon, Diana]

18 thoughts on “Do you know how to write a sensual scene?

  1. I have long wondered about this aspect, but never thought I could do it justice. Diana Gabaldon is one of my favourite authors, and has written about it so eloquently I might just have a go!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. LOL No, I meant from the standpoint of it not being a little creepy. Sorry. When men write a sensual scene they walk a thin line. I think for females it is widely accepted. Don’t know if that is just my old fashion perception.

        Liked by 1 person

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