Can you write like a man?

Or if you’re a man, write like a woman?

Some slip between genders with ease. But for those of us who have to work a little harder, here is a great article by Janice Hardy.

For me, it couldn’t come at a better time, as I’m elbow deep in the companion book to A Most Reluctant Princess and need to get my mind in the head of a “little prince.”frog-prince-398828_640

So do tell, can you slip with ease between genders when you write?

Or do you need a little time to adjust your mindset?

Hope you get as much from her advice as I do.

Take it away Janice. Gender Bending: Writing a Different Gender Than Your Own

Talk to me, the lights on and comments are now open.

You can find me on Twitter @jeancogdell, Facebook at jean.cogdelland, stop by and say hey! Please remember to click and share this post with your Twitter peeps and Facebook fans.

14 thoughts on “Can you write like a man?

    1. Writing in different voices, and ages often gives me pause. Thank goodness for family that does not hesitate to keep me straight. As in, “No one says that anymore.” I hear that phrase a lot. LOL

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  1. Odd this entry is posted today. Just last night I was telling my husband how I was having a hard time wrapping my head around one of my main characters for the simple reason the character is male. He isn’t the protagonist but he’ll have a large influence on that character and will be in many scenes. Because of this connection, he can’t be the regular Joe Blow. This means no stereotyping. To say the least, I’m struggling.

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    1. I try and talk with someone around the characters age. Also someone who is similar in personality. This helps me get a feel for a real person. Let me know how your story develops. Good luck.

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  2. In my last book I wrote half of it from the male POV and I had my husband look at it. He had a few suggestions which were very helpful. The one I’m working on now I have the same situation and will ask his input as well.

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  3. Great post! I have written from both and I think I prefer writing as a man. I’m not sure why? Maybe because as a women I’m worried about people liking my Female lead. Although, I don’t care if they like the male one or not.

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