Want to write every day?

Well, I do!

But some days I get distracted and can’t think of any good ideas. Or my muse leaves me high and dry. Or my WIP is just boring. Or, well, you get the point. But I’m beginning to think the only bad idea is one not written. 

So time to add more writing discipline in my life.

I signed up for the A to Z Challenge again.

Not sure if I’ll make it to the end, but I’ll try. As the saying goes, nothing ventured.

I hadn’t intended to participate this year, but an article in the Huffington Post changed my mind. Life has thrown me a few curves this winter and I’m going to have my hands very full for the next few months. However, I don’t want my writing to suffer. What better way to keep the imagination juices flowing than to continue to write every day. Even it is only a few words on a blog.

The article is from a business perspective, but I think writers should think more like professionals than hobbyists. Writing is not easy. 

30-Day Challenge: Business Idea-a-Day by Joel Holland

I really liked his second suggestion, carry a notepad. I’ve put on in my purse. It’s also small enough to fit in my pocket too, no excuse not to carry with me everywhere. Bought mine at the dollar store. LOL

But there are so many cute notebooks available that can inspire.


write notebook

Why a notepad? To jot down ideas!

They are all around us. Song on the radio, crazy billboard, scary driver, screaming toddler, sale, wild eyed politician, funny joke, a lovers embrace, the list could go on and on. We just need to open our mind and let it float. 

So, no matter how nutty your idea may seem, take Mr. Holland’s advice.

Number 7: Don’t over think it!

Just write. Chances are if you thought about that, someone else did too. After all, there is nothing new under the sun.

I’m really bad to over think things. I get an idea and think it to death before I write about it. Then my bright and shiny idea begins to look like mush, totally unrecognizable from my original concept. Don’t let that happen. 

Write your thoughts down while they are fresh and sun-kissed.

Tell me how do you get your ideas flowing? 

How do you keep them fresh?

You can find me on Twitter @jeancogdell, Facebook at jean.cogdell and Amazon.com, stop by and say hey! Please remember to click and share this post with your Twitter peeps and Facebook fans.


7 thoughts on “Want to write every day?

  1. I get my ideas in the shower! 😀 If I don’t write them down right away I forget. See you at “The Challenge”!

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