Do you give credit to the right person?

I checked a few books, ask a few writers and then made my own decision.

I acknowledged the talented lady who drew the illustrations for my first published children’s book. Ashley Bauer.

The following article confirmed I did the right thing. Sort of. I felt acknowledging Ashley was right because I’ve always believed in giving credit where credit was due. Without her, my book would have lacked color and spice. 


Thanks to that added color and spice I received a glowing review from Readers’ Favorite. “… An engaging and entertaining story laced with humor…. The illustrations are adorable and they complement the author’s words nicely, breathing life into the scenes. “ 5 Stars from Readers’ Favorite 

I’ll be the first to admit my book would’ve looked naked without suck adorable illustrations. I guess it’s true one picture is worth a thousand words.

Just as we want readers to love the words we write and the blogs we post, illustrators want recognition for the pictures they produce. 

Writing and publishing Tryouts for Ben has been a major learning curve for me. Next book, I’ll  add the illustrator’s name not only to the inside but also to the front cover.

Thank you,  for bringing to my attention how and why recognizing illustrators is important. Especially the when and how to part. Learning is always helpful.

Head over and read her article: Why It’s Important to Credit Illustrators

Tell me, do you credit your illustrator and if so where? On the cover, inside or both?

Look for me on Twitter @jeancogdell and on Facebook at jean.cogdell! And don’t forget, pay it forward with a click and share this post with your Twitter peeps and Facebook fans.

16 thoughts on “Do you give credit to the right person?

  1. When I read aloud in my classroom I first read the title, then the name of the author, and then the name of the illustrator. It does more than give credit where credit is due, it leaves children with an understanding that both writing and art are important.

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    1. What a great idea! You teachers are so smart! It also shows your students a book isn’t produced alone. A lot goes into getting it from their mind to the reader. Thanks for your input. Hope you’ll stop by often. Happy Holidays!

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    1. My editor said that a lot of editors preferred to remain in the background as a silent partner so to speak. Because the help they offered the writer is usually suggestions that the author is free to take or leave. The story is written by the author not the editor.

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  2. Giving artist credit is essential! I have a couple of brilliant artists who do my cover art and I do whatever I can to gain them recognition for their talents.

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  3. I acknowledged my illustrator on Real Grands: From A to Z Everything A Grandparent Can Be for a few reasons. First I didn’t want to give readers the false impression I had drawn anything(because anyone who’s ever seen my work know I can’t draw!) and secondly, I felt recognition of his hard work was due. He chose not to include his name on the front cover (graciously I thought) but did include it on the title page and on the back cover. (again, with my permission) I could see no reason not to have his name on there and every reason to do so. Not sure why anyone would leave off that type of acknowledgment. I think we all do better when we work together to elevate each other in any way we can.

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    1. Debby, I felt the same way. However, I was surprised to find not everyone did, but I’m sure there are reasons. To each their own. I like you feel reorganization of talent works for all involved. Thanks for your input. 🙂

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  4. So much time goes by from the moment I start a novel to getting it published, that I keep a spreadsheet of people I should acknowledge. It wonderful to have the support of others and I’d feel bad if I forgot someone. This post is a good reminder to keep that list up to date.

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