Alphabet Soup

This blog was one of the hardest, most challenging prompt I’ve seen in quiet some time. I just had to try and hope you will too. Fair warning it’s not as easy as labyless makes it look.
Here is my Alphabet Soup. Don’t judge too hard and have fun.

A badass, careless damned elf fabricated gadgets; helped, illusive junk kick loose magical nightmarish objects.ย Pieces quickly rose stealing through until visiting wistful Xanadu, yesterdays zenith.


Daily Prompt

Write down the letters of the ABC. For each one, choose a word that begins with that letter. Now, write a post about anything โ€” usingย allย the words youโ€™ve selected.


Amongst Battle Clad Demons Emerged Four Giants.

Hurling Insults Jokingly, Keeping Like Monsters.

Not One Passed Quietly;

Rushing, Stomping Through, Ushering Victims With Xenarthral, Yammering Zealously.

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8 thoughts on “Alphabet Soup

  1. Love it! I’m still not entirely sure the words HAD to remain in alphabetical order but…why not right? lol Great little story ~ and thanks for the reblog ๐Ÿ™‚


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